Boys, boys, boys – September 2016

September, you were a precious present. Especially the golden weather made it so special. I like Autumn. A lot actually. But to me it is even better after a good Summer. I need some real outdoor living. After that I can go inside again.

But, let’s recap this month. What happened?

We mostly spent our days outside; garden, beach, park. Flynn discovered dressing up. I loved it best when he dressed up like Santa on one of the hottest days and insisted of picking Seb up from school like that :-)


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Father & Daughter Still Lifes

My father and I have quite a lot of interests in common. We both appreciate aesthetics, photography, nature, images and still lifes, He a bit more classic. Me a bit more simplistic. So, it had to happen one day, us creating together. Last Saturday was the day. We played. With light, camera, props and tripod. While having a lot of fun. I love the result. A good mix of him and me:

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